With such strict cutoff times by the trucking companies (leaving Boston no later than 10:00 AM), we have limited time for production on Friday. Therefore, please have all orders in by Thursday evening if possible. Phones will be shut off at 9:00 AM Friday morning if you need to order day of.
Sunnyside - Not Running Friday
Seacap - Not Running Friday
Araho - All shipments need to be AT Araho by 9:00am
Ocean Gatherers (OTG) - All shipments need to be AT Araho by 9:00am (Please have orders submitted no later than Thursday)
Ocean Express - No freight going to market
NWD - No freight going to market
Any Freight through CFI - Closing by 11:00am (Rex Freight, Aquafin, Midland)
Burnsed Trucking - Will not be running Friday
From all of us here at Boston Sword & Tuna, we hope you have a safe and happy New Year's celebration, and we will see you in 2022!
