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Brendan Slowe

Cedar Plank Salmon

The US market consumes over 400,000 tons of salmon a year and it is clear to why it is so popular. Its light flavor complements countless pairings from vegetables to wines, and its low calorie count along with its high protein and omega-3 fatty acids make it a valuable addition to any diet. The popularity of salmon has increased drastically over the past 40 years due to its versatility as well as its nutritional benefits, making it a perfect choice for restaurant menus and home meals alike. Many will agree that salmon is delicious any way its prepared whether it is smoked, baked, or grilled, but when it is cooked on a cedar plank it is truly kicked up a few notches! Native American tribes in the Pacific Northwest had been cooking salmon on Western Red Cedar for centuries, and the method has proven to last the test of time. Cooking on cedar is an easy, gentile, and healthy technique for cooking salmon and adds a magnificent flavor as well. Before cooking your salmon, the cedar plank should be soaked in warm or hot water for at least 20 minutes to prevent the cedar from burning. As the fish cooks and the cedar heats up, the moisture is drawn from the wood and pulls with it the characteristic flavors of the cedar which then infuse with the salmon. When cooking on a cedar plank, it eliminates the potential for the salmon to stick to the grill, making this method an easy one to try even if you have never cooked salmon before! Cedar plank salmon is a mainstay at many restaurants these days, but it is so simple and much less expensive to make at home! The fresh wood flavor goes together perfectly with salmon and compliments it in an incredible way, truly elevating the flavor of the dish delivering a tasty and delicious result. Below we put together a super simple recipe for one of our favorite meals to prepare which is our cedar planked salmon seasoned with our very own Honey Aleppo seasoning, which is available over on our website!

BST Cedar Plank Salmon


- Three 12 inch untreated cedar planks

- 2lbs Perfekt Salmon

- 1/4 cup olive oil

- BST Honey Aleppo Seasoning

- Lemon wedge for serving


- Soak cedar planks in warm water for 20 min to 1 hour prior to cooking

- Season salmon by coating in BST Honey Aleppo seasoning

- preheat oven at 385 or grill to md heat

- Place the planks on the grill or oven first until they begin to slightly smoke or crackle

- Place salmon fillets on the cedar planks, cover and grill/close and bake for about 20 minutes

- Your salmon is done when you can flake it with a fork

- The salmon will continue to cook once removed from grill or oven

- Garnish with a lemon wedge or two and serve right on the cedar plank

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